Register to Vote
To be eligible to vote in the Democratic primary on June 25th, you must be a registered Democrat in New York State. You can check your voter registration status here. For those who are already registered to vote, the deadline to change parties has passed. First-time New York voters must be registered as Democrats by June 15th, and can register online, by mail, or at your county board of elections. If you have moved within New York and need to update your voting address, you have until June 10th to do so. For more information on voter registration and eligibility, click here.
Important Dates
June 10th - Change of address deadline
June 15th - Voter registration deadline & deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail or online
June 15th - First day of early voting
June 23rd - Last day of early voting
June 24th - Deadline to request absentee ballot in person at Board of Elections
June 25th - Election Day and the last day to mail or deliver absentee ballots
Ways to Vote
New Yorkers have 3 options for how to vote:
In-person on early voting days
By absentee ballot (either mailed or dropped off),
In-person on Election Day
See more info on each method below.
In-Person Early Voting
Vote early from Saturday, June 15th to Sunday, June 23rd. Your polling place during early voting might be different from your election day polling site. Poll sites for this election can be found here for Bronx residents and here for Westchester residents.
Absentee Voting
The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail or online is June 15th, but you can also request one in-person at your county board of elections until June 24th.
Request your ballot online here for the Bronx and here for Westchester.
Call or visit your county Board of Elections to request an absentee application
Bronx Board of Elections: 718-299-9017 or go to 1780 Grand Concourse, 5 Fl, Bronx, NY
Westchester Board of Elections: 914-995-5700 or go to 25 Quarropas St. White Plains, NY
You can return a completed absentee by mail, by drop-off at your county of elections or at poll site (both early voting & election day sites). If you’re voting by mail, your absentee ballot must be postmarked by June 25th. We recommend filling it out and mailing it as soon as you receive it!
Filling out your absentee ballot:
Make sure to carefully follow all directions on the ballot to avoid invalidating your vote. Remember:
bubble in the circles next to the candidates for which you’re voting
place the ballot inside of the smaller envelope
sign and date the outside of that envelope and seal it
place it in the larger envelope and seal before mailing or returning it.
You can also watch this instructional video if you’re confused.
In-Person Voting on Election Day
Election day is Tuesday, June 25th. Polls will be open from 6 am to 9 pm: if you are in line by 9 pm, they must let you cast your ballot! Bronx voters can find their polling place here. Westchester voters can find their polling place here. Double check before you go!
I’m not sure if I’m registered – Is there a way for me to check?
Check your registration here or call your county Board of Elections.
Call (914) 995-5713 for Wetschester or 718-299-9017 for the Bronx.
I'm registered -- I want to register other people. Can I do this?
Yes! Please watch our training on voter registration to know what questions to ask and what you can fill out for someone else. If you attend one of our voter registration events, your host can train you.
Do I need an ID to vote?
New Yorkers may be asked for a form of identification at your polling place if it was not already included in your voter registration. If you do not have one or it is not with you, fill out an affidavit ballot. For more information, see this link.
What if I get turned away at the polls?
Double-check that you’re registered to vote and at the right polling place here. If you are registered and at the correct place, you have the right to ask for an affidavit ballot. Additionally, as long as you are in line to vote before the polls close (9 pm!), you have the right to vote. For more information, see this link.
I’ve been convicted of a felony. Am I allowed to vote?
Yes! In New York State, you are allowed to vote after incarceration -- you must re-register. See this link for more details.
What is my county board of elections and how do I contact them?
The Board of Elections is the state agency responsible for holding elections in our state. Each county has a local board.
Bronx Board of Elections: 718-299-9017 or go to 1780 Grand Concourse, 5 Fl, Bronx, NY
Westchester Board of Elections: 914-995-5700 or go to 25 Quarropas St. White Plains, NY

Check your Registration
To vote on June 25th, you must be a registered Democrat in New York State. If you moved within New York and need to update your voting address, or make any changes you have until June 10th.
Mail-in Ballot: Request by June 15
​Request an application from your Board of Elections by selecting either an Early Mail-In Ballot or Absentee Ballot
Sign & mail back before June 25.
Early Voting:
June 15-23
Bronx Voters must vote at your assigned Early Voting Site.
Westchester Voters can vote at any Early Voting site in the county. View all on map
Polling Hours vary everyday. View open hours
​Tips on Mail-in Ballots
Filling out your ballot
Make sure to carefully follow all directions on the ballot to avoid invalidating your vote.
Bubble in the circles next to the candidates for which you’re voting
Place the ballot inside of the smaller envelope
Sign and date the outside of that envelope and seal it
Place it in the larger envelope and seal before mailing or returning it.
Drop off your completed ballot
Drop your ballot in an outgoing mailbox
At a poll site (both early voting & election day sites)
At your county's Board of Elections
I missed the June 15 deadline to request a mail-in ballot, can I still vote by mail?
You can also request one in-person at your county board of elections until June 24th.
Bronx Board of Elections
Address: 780 Grand Concourse, 5 Fl, Bronx, NY
Westchester Board of Elections
Address: 25 Quarropas St. White Plains, NY
I’m not sure if I’m registered – Is there a way for me to check?
Check your registration here or call your county Board of Elections.
Bronx Board of Elections
Phone: 718-299-9017
Westchester Board of Elections
Phone: 914-995-5700
I'm registered - I want to register other people. Can I do this?
Yes! Please watch our training on voter registration to know what questions to ask and what you can fill out for someone else. If you attend one of our voter registration events, your host can train you.
Do I need an ID to vote?
New Yorkers may be asked for a form of identification at your polling place if it was not already included in your voter registration. If you do not have one or it is not with you, fill out an affidavit ballot. For more information, see this link.
What if I get turned away at the polls?
Double-check that you’re registered to vote and at the right polling place here. If you are registered and at the correct place, you have the right to ask for an affidavit ballot. Additionally, as long as you are in line to vote before the polls close (9 pm!), you have the right to vote. For more information, see this link.
I’ve been convicted of a felony. Am I allowed to vote?
Yes! In New York State, you are allowed to vote after incarceration -- you must re-register. See this link for more details.
What is my county board of elections and how do I contact them?
The Board of Elections is the state agency responsible for holding elections in our state. Each county has a local board.
Bronx Board of Elections
Phone: 718-299-9017
Address: 780 Grand Concourse, 5 Fl, Bronx, NY
Westchester Board of Elections
Phone: 914-995-5700
Address: 25 Quarropas St. White Plains, NY